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Star Defenders 3D news:

8 October 2019 - Reworked voxel world representation, optimizations, TTS, slight visual changes, game mechanics update, few new sound effects, grappling hook.

6 June 2019 - New weapon (saw), 3rd person view option, weapon position options, some improved sounds effetcs and particles.

5 April 2019 - Some sort of Android devices support was added (now I understand why games like these are rare on mobile).

1 April 2019 - Some big updates. New weapons, optimizations, new world generation logic, effects, sounds, improved AI.

11 July 2018 - First upload.

This is a peer-to-peer arena-like shooter game built around ideas of destructive world, inertive movement and relative projectile velocities. Should work best in webkit-based web browsers (Opera needs UDP enabled in settings. Works "out of box" in Chrome).

Controls: W, S, A, D, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Left Mouse Button, Right Mouse Button, Mouse Wheel Click, Space, Ctrl, Esc, Enter and Tab.

There are few game modes (some might be hidden just so it is quicker to find match):
> Free for all - you are against everyone else;
> Team vs Team - your team against enemy team;
> As One - multiple teams, 2 players per each.

All game modes are endless, have timer and 6 weapons:
> Rifle
> Spark gun
> Shotgun
> Sniper rifle
> Rocket launcher
> Build tool

Weapons have different stats such as knockback, self-knockback, damage, speed, projectile count and spread.

First prototype of this game was built in ~6 days using Star Defender assets from my long-ago-and-never-released game which you probably already heard about by now (if you're happened to check Plazma Burst 2 website from time to time).

So that is pretty much it - I'm Eric Gurt and this is a rather unfinished project. I don't think I'm ever going to continue work on it myself, if you want to - you can ask me for my public permission to continue this project.

Game might require special network/firewall/ISP configuration in order to be able to connect with other players (since it is peer-to-peer).

Also it might take some time while it is building world. FFA is quickest one once at least 2 players are looking for match within this mode.

Be sure that it will search forever if you'll add players to your group while searching in mode that has no teammates like FFA, or if you have more temmates than allowed (usually 4 in TvT and 2 in As One).

It does use three.js, peer.js, bfxr.net, lz-string.js and ftscroller.js. Music by maD & Alg0rh1tm